Monday, October 31, 2011

Tea Tree Oil

Today as I was making a batch of Tea Tree Oil Soap I was thinking of all the things
I have learned about tea tree oil, and I'm sure there are many more to learn.

Tea Tree Oil comes from the Melaleuca Tree, which grows in Australia. The oil from this tree is skin healing, has strong antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.

Historically Tea Tree oil was used to heal cuts, wounds and skin infections, but over the years it was found to be aid in athlete’s feet, sunburn, rashes and skin healing. Tea tree oil has also been used in the treatment of acne.

The aborigines have used the leaves of the Tea Tree for centuries to heal skin infections, cuts and wounds.

During the Second World War the first aid kits issued to Australian soldiers contained Tea Tree Oil. The oil was used to disinfect and speed the healing of wounds without damaging healthy tissue. This oil was so important to the war efforts that anyone working in the production of tea tree oil was exempt from military duty.

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